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1 state, 1 place, 1 song - California

This western state that has as a capital city Sacramento is probably one of the US most emblematic place as it symbolizes the conquest of the Wild West and therefore the freedom at the core of the American spirit. California has always been a source of inspiration for many authors such as John Steinbeck who described it as a magnificent territory where plenty of cultures are mixed together thus forming the true Californian spirit.

I chose the song San Francisco from Scott Mc Kenzie dealing with one of the most iconic city of the Golden State to best illustrate what the California Dream is really about.

Beautifully sung with a soaring melody, this song became emblematic of the hippie movement as it really captures the hopes and dreams of a young Californian generation during a specific period of time : the counterculture of the 1960’s. Indeed, born in this disillusioned generation, Scott Mc Kenzie saw the Golden Gate City as a place where his ideals could become reality : a place where everyone could find love, acceptance and gentle people. Times has changed but California remains a land of hopes and dreams and that’s why this song can is still relevant today.

If you're going to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

If you're going to San Francisco

You're gonna meet some gentle people there .

Now, if you’re convinced to take a vacation in California you really should go to the Yosemite National Park where you could hike in the Yosemite Valley surrounded by the beauty of Mother Nature. The best way to take conscience of how precious our planet earth is ...

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